
Alþjóðleg ráðstefna um lífeyrismál


Fjármálaeftirlitið og Landssamtök lífeyrissjóða efndu ásamt Alþjóðasamtökum eftirlitsaðila lífeyrissjóða (IOPS) og Alþjóðasamtökum eftirlitsaðila vátryggingafélaga (IAIS) efndu til ráðstefnu þann 28. febrúar síðastliðinn undir yfirskriftinni  Regulatory and Supervisory Challenges for the Icelandic Pension Industry. Ráðstefnan fór fram í Súlnasal Radisson BLU Hótels Sögu. Dagskráin og kynningar eru hér fyrir neðan.

Session 1: Main challenges to Icelandic pension market

Mr. Bjorn Z. Asgrimsson, Senior Risk and Pension Analyst, Financial Supervisory Authority (FME), Iceland: Supervisory Challenges in the Icelandic Pension Market
Dr. Gylfi Magnusson, Professor at University of Iceland and former Minister of Economic Affairs: Challenges for the Icelandic pension funds: Investment opportunities

Session 2: Longevity risk and supervisory challenges

Key speaker: Mr. Pablo Antolín, Principal Economist, Head of the OECD Private Pension Unit, Financial Affairs Division, OECD: Mortality assumptions and longevity risk
Mr. Haraldur Yngvi Petursson, Portfolio Manager at Arion Bank, Institutional Asset Management: Icelandic Pension Funds – The effects of demographic changes in Iceland
Mr. Bjarni Gudmundsson, Actuary at TBG Consulting Actuaries: The Icelandic Pension System - some regulatory aspects & effect of increased longevity
Mr. André Tapernoux, Head of Risk Management, Federal Occupational Pensions Regulatory Commission, Switzerland: Longevity Risk and Regulation in Switzerland

Session 3: Pension funds foreign investment – how to handle the risks?

Dr. Ludvik Eliasson, Economist, Financial Stability, The Central Bank of Iceland: Should Icelandic pension funds be allowed to invest abroad?
Mr. Loftur Olafsson, Fund Manager, The United Pension Fund and lecturer at the University of Reykjavik, Iceland: Regulatory and supervisory challenges for Icelandic pension industry
Ms. Solange Berstein, Superintendent, Pensions Superintendence of Chile: Pension Funds Foreign Investment – How to handle the risks?
Mr. Dave Finnis, IAIS Senior Policy Expert: Regulatory and supervisory challenges for the Icelandic pension industry
Mr. Ross Jones, IOPS Referee: Pension Funds Foreign Investment: How to handle the risk


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